District Health & Family Welfare Samiti, Cooch Behar Advt No : 2848 Date: 10/08/2020 Invites applications for the post of Phlebotomist Post : Phlebotomist Vacancy : 08 Age : 40 Years Pay Scale : Rs 5000/- Qualification & experience: 1. 10+2 with Science background. 2. a) Training in Laboratory Technology / Phlebotomy / Certificate course in Laboratory Technology (for at least 6 months) Or b) DMLT/ BMLT Note : The candidate must submit their application with self attested copy of testimonial at the office of the CHOH & Secretary, Dist. Health & Family welfare Samity, Cooch Behar, Lalbag, Debibari Road,Cooch Behar superscripbing “Application for the post of __________________) for CMOH Office Cooch Behar” within 21/08/2020 during office hour except on holidays. The Candidates may apply on plain paper. The following documents must be annexed with application One each self attested photo copy of the following has to be submit. o Admit card of Madhya
Government Jobs | Results | Admit Card